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App idea

January 22nd, 2021

drawing about people forcing app ideas onto others



Idea guy: I have this great idea for an app. You are a developer, right? Can you code it for me?


Developer: Oh, that's great! What problem does it solve?

Idea guy: It does not actually solve-


Developer: You researched the market, right? Who is your target audience? How do you reach your customers?

Idea guy: no, I just thought about it-


Developer: Oh wait, I know, you are a domain expert so that's our competitive advantage?

Idea guy: no, actually, I-


Developer: So do you expect me to spend nights and days coding your app idea when you have nothing substantial to bring to the table?!?

Idea guy: No, no, that's ok, I'll find someone else...


Developer: That's what I thought...


But... I'm the "idea guy"!